We are back to in-person worship at our new time 9:00 am (Labor Day through Memorial Day)
Memorial Day through Labor we have Church at the Lake at 8:30 at the East Marina Pavillion and a 10am service at the Church
We will continue to offer online options via Facebook and Zoom at 10 am.
You can connect to online services by:
Join online through a smart device by going to:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8158642581?pwd=YjFtVVlpUDdSZEZUTFgrUmsxb2R4Zz09. By phone: dial (312) 626-6799 and enter meeting ID: 815 864 2581 and Passcode: 668503
You can also join us via Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Shannon-Bethel-UMC-109936794114510/?view_public_for=109936794114510
If you have trouble please contact Pastor Jeremiah Lee (224)659-1326.